AM: Juggled the weights around between DBs to try to better complete a set of singles with 1# increments where I'm using them.
Couldn't help myself but to do iso hammers with 40/39/35/34/33/32/30, supersetted with french press tris.
PM: The CFFB workout that I almost didn't do because my butt's sore.
Buy in:
4 iso KBs x15/goblets x10/Hip x10-12
Front Squat 3x5 150
... these are light, but they felt good. Coming in sore, I thought there would be tearing pains, but ... pleasantly surprised.
OHP 3x5 118 (super'ed with single calf raises)
A couple light RDLs and Good Mornings to cash out and test to ensure the right butt was listening to reason. I'm feeling a little thin in the skin, motivated, but knowing that limit strength just isn't there right now. No IF today or yesterday. Going to feed for the rest of the month and see if I power up.
9 - 2 hours - 2100/0600. 17 + 38 minutes total, PE: 7. 24 hours.