Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Traded Out My Cross

I've swapped the cross for the trinity knot you see here. A bit iconoclastic, I know. But I've been thinking about this symbol a lot lately. Let me enumerate a few thoughts, before you consider me heretical.*

*You may consider me a douche because of the Guido chain alone, but at least hear me out regarding the pendant. Besides, Christmas is coming, if you really don't like the chain.

Wearing this instead of a cross, I'm not distancing myself from Jesus. 
I am distancing myself from non-committal christians and rap stars who wear crosses but do whatever they please as if Jesus never existed and the thing around their neck is a squared-off coke spoon. 
Sad that the cross has been watered down from the symbol of radical Christianity it was, to the piece of junk jewelry it is, but that's our world.
Wearing this, maybe, as a conversation starter. 
There is a touch of the What The What Is That Are You A Druid Or Something feel to the Triquetra celtic design. The answer to that question is, Wow! Yes, I am a druid, mostly feral spec but with some restoration in the mix. And another answer is that I am a follower of Jesus, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit, mostly warfare oriented when in cat form, but with some healer/edifier blended in when I look like an ent. 
…Anywhere besides Blizzcon, I guess it could be a conversation ender, too.

Wearing this as a reminder to myself that I need to continue to expand my view of God. 
I am moving out of the shadow of the cross, and into the sunlight shining into the open door of the empty tomb. So, the cross isn't the whole story, just as the cross only represents one of the Three. Jesus is Lord, and Jesus is my Model, Jesus is my focus, yeah! There has been nothing wrong with that at all for these decades. But if one can give Jesus too much attention, I kinda have done that to the detriment of my attention spent on the other personages in the Godhead. God the Father has been Creator, mostly, in my mind - somewhat limited to a role of making everything happen and then stepping into the background. The Holy Spirit has been that Guy you call in to make sure that worship is kickin' or when you want a prayer answered - but otherwise somewhat incomprehensible and unapproachable. 
Now that I'm an earthly father, I am getting a clearer image of all that The Heavenly Father has been all along for me, and what His heart is for me.
And I've been walking in the Spirit lately, in a way that I never knew was possible for me - possible for others, always, but a relationship that I thought was out of my reach. So, at the very least, pulling the chain over my head is a reminder that I'm a living image of God the Father, and that the Holy Spirit is living within me, not merely with me. 
And, Jesus isn't getting short shrift now, more than ever I'm continuing a detailed examination of Him. Got to - I'm out to replace him. 

By this, love is perfected with us, so that we may have confidence in the day of judgment; because as He is, so also are we in this world.
1 John 4:17

I'm living in this verse right now; the implications echo along the hallways I'm walking, and I'm taking the notion seriously that I'm to be as He is in this world.  

Wearing this because I'm not passive.
There's a dynamism to the design. Does it look like a swirling vortex of spiritual energy to you? All of life, all of the interplay of an inter-relational triune Being, all of my inter-relation with Him/Them, all of the inter-relationships within the family of God that are available to me in Him - all of that love and power and communal feedback and explosive expansion, and lookee there, see where I am, right in the center.
Do I look like a swirling vortex of spiritual energy to you? Soon, maybe? I see myself that way, this merely makes that present-future vision concrete.

Okay. So there's a new/old weerd symbol around my neck. None of it means much if the guy wearing it doesn't live up to all the layers of meaning that he wants assigned to it. 

Made in Your image, Father God. May I walk in that completeness. 
Given confidence and perfect love to be You in the world, Jesus. May I walk in Your footprints. 
Embodied as a dwelling for You, Holy Spirit. May I walk with my heart-of-hearts as Your mobile-temple-and-coffee-house where We can abide together.
Keep me, and keep me as knotted up with You Three as You are one with another.

1 comment:

Carl said...

Mostly Feral? Cat or Bear? DPS or tanks? I am guessing cat since you said that later.
I like the feel of your Triquetra? where did you find it? Is it bronze?