Thursday, January 28, 2016

Angels Someaware.

Isn't that Jesus? Isn't he Joseph and Mary's son? Well, didn't he grow up right here? He played with our children. What? He must be kidding, thinks he's a prophet. Well, prophets don't grow up from little boys, do they? From little boys... Do they?

So, my last entry was me, all out of sorts and trying to sort it all out, feeling more than thinking, moping more than hoping, and generally not writing or living out of my identity. Die Quietly, right? 

Okay. I'm done dying, and I live to write another day. I've learned a few things over the last week.

• Walk before you run. What's true in the natural is true in the spiritual, and one wouldn't expect a toddler to just jump up and sprint out of diapers. I've been renewed for like, exactly 3 months now. I'm 3 months old! So, I should give my young self a little slack and time to grow. I'll probably still take the whip to my flanks, because I want to move forward as fast as possible, but I'll do it with patience. Five years from now I'll be in prophetic kindergarten. A child prodigy there, but still a child in it. 

Until then, I'll focus on operating prophetically, but to Prophesy inspirationally - operate in what we all know is primary; love and encouragement. I don't have to have a special word from the Lord for someone. Lightning doesn't have to strike when I have access to household current. I'll plug in, dig in, and explore my own identity. What I learn about my life in Christ will be applicable to everyone I meet. Pre-packaged prophecy.

• Carl said, "it can be frustrating when you hear Michael Jordon say, "Basketball is so easy and so fun and you just 'do it.'" But if the other person got a 1 in a million gifting from God in a particular skill, your experience won't be like theirs even if you are one in a million too.  But only one person out of a million is a 'one in a million'  The other 999,999 are not one in a million.  And as it is true in the natural, it is true in the spirit."

So, I'll consider the source when learning about this stuff. I'll learn from people who had to earn their wings.

• Weigh words before delivering them. I spent a good amount of time on a sequence checklist for processing prophetic words... I didn't use it. When you ignore your own codified wisdom, who do you have to blame?

• I went off on the seeing angels walk without listening to part two of the seeing angels talk. This was part one, which was energizing, but I didn't do the activation exercise, or get to listen to Gary Oates' wisdom in Part two. Didn't listen to part 2, should have listened to part 2.  

In fact, and in retrospect, part three was most telling. I might have listened to it first, if I had only known.
Part one: Louise Lopez and her experiences (I got excited and tried to jump in at the deep end of the pool after hearing only this): Supernatural Bible School - Seeing Angels

Part two: Activations, and most notably, Gary Oates' balanced viewpoint: Supernatural Bible School - Gary Oates & Louise Lopez

Part three: Panel discussion Lots of good questions answered here: Supernatural Bible School-Jonathan Welton, Gary Oates, Louise Lopez
(As an aside, after viewing this panel discussion, if you're interested in the whole story behind Karen Welton's pain-free childbirth, see this: How To Live Practically Supernatural. Or the quick backstory on Jonathan Welton's activation into spiritual seer-ship, see this: SEEING INTO THE UNSEEN REALM Jonathan Welton on It's Supernatural with Sid Roth).

If there's anything I could have benefitted from most in viewing all three, it might have been Gabriel Lopez' pnov as someone who was working to operate with spiritual senses (sitting in with the panel, and married to super-angel-seer Louise, who felt some exasperation and walk-before-running imbalance as he was growing in this very thing of seeing angels).

• Gary Oates noted that most people see in the Spiritual with eyes closed. This has been my experience, and I was trying to do so with eyes open. Someday, maybe. Until then, I know that for me, it's easier to block out the natural by closing my eyes to it.

• All that whining about being unable to see in the Spiritual. I take it back. 
I've been blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ (Eph 1:3), including the basics like sight and hearing. I *can* see, I *have* seen. I met the one angel who talked me down from Army Special Forces. The Tahoe yard sale. The impossibility of Haley's endo. Others. And, the demonic stuff - Lucius and company. I've seen plenty more than most might hope to have seen, and at least 6 spiritual visions in the last three months, and one this morning. So I can do it, I just need to exercise it and understand it.

• Seeing angels isn't just something to do for fun. I mean, they have to be about their own serious business in their role as ministering spirits. Selfish to think that I need to see them for kicks. Can you stop what you're doing for a quick selfie and autograph?
I'll just know that they're there, and worry about being someone doing exploits that angels will want to watch.

• Finally, all that about God manifesting and God hiding making Him look like a bad father in the natural, well, I think it plays out more like this:

Monday: Kon, let's go do something fun together! It's sunny out and we need to tear up the town!
Tuesday: Find me in the quietest place in the house, I want to share something with you about myself that I've never told you.

It's about relationship, and not even really about me (as son) pressing in. A relationship has an ebb and flow, a loud and a quiet, a boisterous song time and a serious sharing time. I was grumpy and wanted a day at Disneyland. God wasn't grumpy, and knows I need to settle in and have a whispered conversation.

Lots of other lessons to learn. I've got all eternity to learn them. One losing day in a string of winners won't keep me down.


Carl said...

>Five years from now, I'll be in prophetic kindergarten. A child prodigy there, but still a child in it.
I love that attitude. I was going to say that I will be a prodigy along with you in 5 years, but then I remember I am already 4 years into it, so... I only have a year to become a kindergarten prodigy with you!

Reading the other stuff, I see that you are really growing really fast!
I like the re-write of Monday, Tuesday with you and Kon!

I also just want to say that I am with you in trying to understand and balance the approaches:
Don't sit there, lazy! Get involved, care, pursue! If you ignore God and stay parked, don't expect to go anywhere. Make it a priority!
Don't try to force it. Don't try to make it happen in your own will. Operate from a place of peace, letting God lead and 'work' only on maintaining your peace and rest.

They are both true, but I find it difficult at times to leave in both places at the same time.

hedge said...

I'll remember to rest in the knowing that I'm present-future; I only have to walk in the me I'm becoming because I already *am* that me. The destination is there.
For we are His workmanship, created for good works in Christ, which God has prepared beforehand that we might walk in them.
I don't have to see the path, or cut new trail with a machete, just walk - keep moving forward. The good works will come because they're already there, just ahead.