Tuesday, December 15, 2015

GtG 3.4 - Oly Squat - 151215

Jumping ahead a week, this is too easy for even an Easy day. Doing the minimum with the minimum time available to give up to the cause. Squats felt strong and good today; down from 245# to 235# though. No knee pain - super cold outside; the bar hurt to hold.

Buy in
2 Rounds, loose timer
3x20 Hip Thruster, strong band
2x15 Adductor, medium band
9 mins.

Main set
Oly Squat - 1 min RI
10x 135#, 10x 185, 235 x5/5/5/5
10 mins.

6.5 hours - 2130/0400. 20 mins total, PE 6. 24 hours.

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