Thursday, April 30, 2015

Get Up Offa That - April 30

Woke up an hour before the alarm. Laying in bed, wondering about the day. Lunchtime? Not going to have time to do a session. Evening? No, not then either. 
So, it's now or never right now for today? 
Yes, it's now or never. 
Then get up and get after it. 
What are we doing today then, again? 
Fucking stop thinking about it and do it. GET UP and cross that bridge. Stop being a wuss.

Death by GTO, which is to say, Death by power clean and push press.
@135, 5.2
... an additional round of 5, just to make up for all the second-guessing.
8 mins.

I wonder about myself anymore. It's the natural break here at the end of the month, time to reconsider everything. I'm not up for putting the pedal to the metal, and (I admit it, this is all based on appearance) I was looking at pictures of myself this week and each time thought, "man, you look fat."

I didn't mean to, but from Tuesday to Wednesday this week, lunch to lunch, I did a 24 hour IF. I didn't feel any different than normal. Maybe I'll put a cutting cycle into a full-court press. I don't have the gas, but this might be a new challenge that I can't sink my teeth into - starvation. Down to 205 and see what the BF% does? Possibly.

If only to silence the dueling voices in my head.

8.5 hours - 2130/0600. 8 minutes total. 48 hours. PE: 8.

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