Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Bow Out Before Blow Out - April 28

I mean, can we talk? So I wake up a bit early, and it's nice outside and I know I'll have no time in the PM to get in a session. So, let's just squat this morning. Front squat. 
Take care of some constitutional business (this is going to be squats, remember), get into the workout gear, walk into the backyard ... and have to get back into the house to go again. 
Jeez, what did I eat? All set now?

7x135/6x145/ ugh, I feel like my insides are completely twisted up. 6x155/... uh, what's that intense discomforting feeling ... again?/6x165 ...
That's all, gotta run.
8 mins.

The warm down was driving to work with that same need to get to a relief station. Worming in my seat and sweating. If you can get out of bed and squat ass to grass, but crap your pants 45 minutes later, you lose all your points. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

7.5 hours - 2230/0600. 8 minutes total. 48 hours. PE: 6. 229/14.

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