Thursday, November 06, 2014

CFFB - Swod Only - Nov 6

Squat 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
Press 10, 10, 10

5x135/3x185/x255 ... did 6 rounds of 3's. Felt solid through the core. Messed with the timer a lot, but in .30 on 2.30 was the best timer for this. Probably could have done more weight, but I've been off for 4 days and I'm feeling lethargic anyway. Change in the fall weather; cruddy air has me down. I know better than to push it while the miasma is present, especially training in the backyard.
15 mins.

- 2 mins -

Taking it easy with a bad right shoulder. 
6 mins.

Bad enough that I set out to do the push ups, but assuming the position killed. Rotator cuff is irritated again. Did 50, tens and resting up in the pike with active shoulders, but it was just too painful to continue.

Complete for time:
Push Ups – 150 reps
*Every time you stop and rest with your chest on the ground, count a penalty and immediately sprint 40 yards. Once the penalty sprint is completed, continue with the push ups.
*You can rest in a pike position (the top of a push up) but once you drop your chest to rest on the ground, count a penalty and sprint.
Post times and number of penalties to comments.

9 hours - 2130/0630. 28 minutes total. PE: 6. 4 days. 233/15.

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