Monday, November 10, 2014

CFFB - Squat/Bench Swod - Nov 10

Squat 6×3 @ 85% of last set of 3 reps from Monday
85% of 265 = 225. Monday's sets were at 255#, which would have been 215, but I'm sworn to never squat under 2 wheels ever again. Says less about my ability to squat in the low range than it does about my maximal strength. Working on that upper end though.
13 mins, sets in .30 on 2.00.

Close Grip Bench 5, 5, 5

13 mins - lots of talking with Flanagan.

Conditioning - (did not do)
Every 2 minutes
You have two (2) minutes to complete each of the following sets:
1. 155 lbs Thrusters – 5 reps; Sprint 120 yards
2. 155 lbs Thrusters – 6 reps; Sprint 100 yards
3. 155 lbs Thrusters – 7 reps; Sprint 80 yards
4. 155 lbs Thrusters – 8 reps; Sprint 60 yards
5. 155 lbs Thrusters – 9 reps; Sprint 40 yards
6. 155 lbs Thrusters – 10 reps; Sprint 20 yards
Start a running clock for this workout. At the top of each 2 minutes complete each set. If a set takes you 60 seconds, you have the rest of the minute to rest. Remember at the top of each 2 minute time period transition to the next set.
Post sets completed to comments.


Would have been (155/300)*233 = 120# scaled.

9 - 1 hours - 2100/0600. 26 minutes total. PE: 6. 24 hours. 231/16.

Week average:
P190g/C206/F122 : 28/31/41% 

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