Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Six Months In - But Who's Counting?

Six months and one day ago, I felt forsaken; all I wanted to do was die. 
Six months ago, I got sozo'ed by the Lord, alone in a truck, in the middle of the desert in the middle of the night. Saved, healed, delivered. The first day of the rest of my life.

Now all I want to do is live. I'm six months old today. I feel like I'm still only crawling and cooing and pooping into my spiritual diapers, but I'm seeing presentfuture me walking and talking and perceiving and, God help me, warring and winning, lifting darkness and lifting up others. Soon, and now. 

Six months and one day ago, I was sad, weepy, and broken, and hopeless, and convinced that my best days were behind me; the end of the road was all that I could foresee. My only glint of hope was that I would be complete in heaven; after I was dead and reborn and in another place. Then, everything would be made right.

Today, everything is right and getting righter still. I'm still weepy: my eyes leak with tears of fulness and hope, worship and gratitude. Each day is a wonder. Each day is rife with revelation; stacks of so much win to step into, devils to destroy, hearts to touch, lessons to learn and share, depths within my self to plumb… too much to do to say goodbye just yet. I am complete today – tomorrow I will be even completer still. Together We will accomplish it all. 

I love you Father God. You have saved me from a dark end. You have loved me with an everlasting love from Your eternally kind heart. You have accepted me as a son. You have bestowed upon me Your divine nature, shed Your love abroad within my heart. I now seek to look like You, to walk like You, to war in love, and destroy evil with Your joy. All that shadow of joylessness is now sunshine in me. All hope is accomplished in this everlasting moment we share. Together we have all kinds of time to finish what we've started. Greater things. New things. All things new. 
Keep it coming.

1 comment:

Carl said...

It is over 7 months now.
It has been a wild journey. I look forward to watching the great things that God and you do together.