Monday, September 15, 2008

Marketing for Satan.

Oh yeah, here's my response to the call for Satan's Logo ... the challenge of how would Satan and his minions sell their brand if it was a literal mark containing the number 666?

Design Rationale was:
- "666" has to be in the logo.
- A brand name has to be developed. (Think "Zoloft", "Viagra" or "Crestor.")
- Must use "Red". (Satan owns this color. Sorry "Target" and "Coke.")
- Spend no more then 30 minutes on it. (Have work to do.)
- Approach it like a corporate client.
- No cliches. (Think "Devil Horns" and "Trident.")

Here were Von Glitschka's originals (So, Von, you would show the devil just two options?):

My 15 minute try:
And some other fun ones that followed after:

There was some futzing with God-logos, but nobody nailed anything.

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