Monday, June 06, 2016

Chins n' Assessment - 20160605

Just did a chin pyramid today in the park. As I've been saying for months now, catch as catch can. I haven't even been logging work, since I haven't been doing any noteworthy work worth logging. Which makes what you're about to see ... noteworthy.

Assessment for the quarter:

These are the numbers from someone who's been sitting in a truck 6 hours a day, with little oomph to get under the bar, to work or to eat according to a plan. I'm down 2% BF at the same BW from two months ago. Chest is down an inch, waist is the same, and all else is up. I grew muscle by doing nothing. I lost fat by eating garbage. My results fly in the face of years of training, study and experience.
If I really really cared about my HT situation, I'd say it was all God. Since I don't, I'll say this anyway: it's all God. God cares about the stuff that we don't let ourselves care about; those pursuits that we've shelved because we don't have room anymore for any passion for them because the passion for His kingdom and His righteousness have superseded all else.

But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. - Matthew 6:33

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