Friday, October 29, 2021

Squatober 2021.

 Well, this ain't the first rodeo. Same things as previous years still apply: 

- It's a lot of squatting, which I'm still not confident about, and in which I still don't feel like I have a lot of top end

- It's a lot of pressing, especially benching; more than I'm accustomed to, and not as much antagonistic pulling (so I worked in a couple of bonus pulling days to compensate)

- Macros and sleeping were good, did all workouts as Rx'ed, felt great, and felt sore 

- It's great powerbuilding programming at the right price

- Lots of farmer's walking was good for the core this year, forgot that these were so legit

Didn't PR or anything (some of that's thanks to covid all through July and the major setback that that was to all things muscular), but I felt solid in my form, depth, and didn't experience knee pain or glute insertion pain as I have for the last couple of years. 

On PR party day, I had an easy 305, and couldn't get 315 up out of the hole. Not what I want, but what is reality for me. I feel like I'm in a place where I have a basis for continuing strength here though. Deadlift has come along in the past couple of years, and I feel like the tide is rising. Just have to consciously put more weight on the bar than feels comfortable. On heavy days, I still had a sense of creeping dread that I would fail. But the bar was going up, and form was spot on this year — something that wasn't as true in the past as it was this go around. It's still a wonder that I can bench the same weight I'm squatting with ease and without hesitation, but the squat is always with trepidation and without confidence.

Gained 5lbs, but lost a half inch off of the waist. Felt throughout the month that the quads and boot were more solid, and true enough, gained most there. Knee gained the most, I really wish I had access to a leg extension machine.

Like I said, gained 5lbs, on 2734 cals/day average, and was using the creatine. Helped with recovery. 212g protein a day, 186g carb, 130 fat. 443 cals/day for workouts, which was the highest average for the year (I don't usually go for an hour lifting).

Another great month of solid programming. Good for my comeback from Covid weakness, good for my squat confidence.

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