Monday, November 09, 2020

There's No Vaccination Against Vaccines.

by Nina Silver, Ph.D. The Politics of Illness and the Nature of Health, The Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing, 2001. case it is assumed that the "side" effects of drugs occur only during illness, keep in mind that an entire group of drugs is given only when people are well: vaccines. 

As a matter of fact, the medical community’s official position is that vaccinations are only supposed to be given to people who are presumed healthy. This is for a very good reason: the immune function of people who are ill is already too weak to handle the effects that the vaccines are designed to produce. Nonetheless, most doctors ignore this wisdom and routinely vaccinate everybody whether they are healthy or sick. However, no one should be vaccinated, given the current processing methods and materials used to produce the vaccines.

Although mainstream medicine claims that vaccinations are necessary to eradicate disease, there are three major rebuttals to this argument that vaccination proponents never discuss.

First, history shows us that serious diseases decreased with the advent of indoor plumbing and improved sanitation, better protection from the elements (including more adequate clothing), and cleaner food handling and storage. 

Second, the Center for Disease Control (formerly the U.S. Public Health Service) has been shown to manipulate statistics by changing the name of the disease and thus disguising the number of inoculation-related outbreaks. In a 1994 edition of the Townsend Letter for Doctors, nutritional biochemist and physiologist A. Van Beveren writes that because "in nearly every state where the Salk vaccine was administered the polio rate leaped by 400-600%," what was then the Public Health Service responded by issuing "new guidelines for the diagnosis of the disease."

...From statistics we note that polio ceased to be a big problem almost immediately [after inoculation] but that suddenly aseptic or viral meningitis (sometimes spinal meningitis or multiple sclerosis) were seen in epidemic proportions in approximately the same number that polio was diagnosed in prior years...In Archives of Pediatrics (1950), Dr. Ralph Scoby lists not less that 170 diseases with "polio-like symptoms and effects, but with different names... little mention is made of the fact that polio disappeared in Europe without mass immunization, and of the 25 or so cases of polio that have turned up on the past few years, virtually all were vaccine induced."

The third argument against inoculation is based on incontrovertible evidence that it radically reduces immune function. Vaccination is more than merely ineffective; it actively encourages disease because of what it introduces into the system, and the manner in which it does it. Vaccines consist of dangerous and foreign materials that we were never meant to designed to ingest or metabolize: formaldehyde; the toxic metals aluminum and mercury; and the "main" ingredients of dried pus, scabs, blood and other decomposed proteins from animals. The medical establishment, by classifying these items as medical ingredients under the term "immunization," lends an air of integrity and validity to the practice of injecting poisons into the bloodstream. Now, injecting a poison into the bloodstream prevents the body from removing it in the most efficient and thorough manner.  

Normally, foreign material gets into the body through the mucous membranes, which act as a natural barrier to protect the body from foreign substances, everything that is not-body. The body responds to foreign irritants by expelling them in the same manner in which they arrived, back through the mucous membranes by coughing and sneezing and sometimes vomiting. But although the body is designed to eliminate viruses and other microbes efficiently, vaccinations, as Van Beveren points out, bypass the body's "carefully designed evolutionary system by introducing toxic matter directly into the bloodstream. This gives the body no warning, no generalized inflammatory response, no chance to recognize... or defend itself against future challenges from typical antigens [foreign irritants]."

To compound the problem, inoculations contain viruses that are unnaturally weakened. This means that the microbe is present at too low a level to stimulate the body into its usual defense mode, which can eventually create a health crisis. As Van Beveren explains,

...The body does not usually tolerate viruses unless they have been weakened (so as not to awaken a strong response) or tricked through a route (usually injection) that by-passes many organs and functions that would inevitably lead to normal, natural expulsion. But [by being] synthetically weakened and directly introduced into the bloodstream, these bits of aberrant nucleoproteins are capable of remaining latent toxicants for many years without continually provoking acute illness, yet keeping the defense system restless and 'on guard' almost indefinitely."

Being "on guard" in this way continually creates enormous physical stress on the system. Its psychological parallel is anxiety. Meanwhile the viruses are reproducing, stealing and using the body's own DNA in order to multiply (as all viruses do) — but unlike the situation with unaltered viruses, the body has not been stimulated properly to stop them. Eventually, the weakened viruses become too plentiful for the body to ignore. But by then, Van Beveren writes, so many of these weakened viruses have been incorporated "into an appropriate chromosome [of the body's cells] and start the production of non-self proteins, [that] the only proper response from the organism must be to make antibodies — against its own cells."

This is why there has been such an astronomical increase of chronic and degenerative, so-called auto-immune diseases. The body attacks itself because it is no longer able to recognize its own cells due to the gradual stealthy intrusion of unnaturally introduced, foreign material. 

In 1976, at a seminar sponsored by the American Cancer Society, Rutgers University professor Robert Simpson warned about this same phenomenon. "Immunization programs against flu, measles, mumps, polio, and so forth, may actually be seeding humans with RNA to form latent proviruses in cells throughout the body. These latent proviruses...when activated under the proper conditions...could cause a variety of disease." Some of the disease conditions he specified are rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematous, Parkinson's disease, and "possibly cancer." Van Beveren has identified hemolytic anemia, granulocytopenias and thrombocytopenias, immune thyroiditis, sympathetic ophthalmopathy and chronic active hepatitis; with other diseases such as poly arthritis, rheumatic fever, endo-myocarditis, periarteritis nodosa, Addison's disease, atrophic gastritis, pernicious anemia, immune pancreatitis, primary biliary cirrhosis and ulcerative colitis as containing elements of auto-immune dysfunction. 

These men are not alone in this assessment: many other scientists and doctors have reached similar conclusions. In her well researched book, Immunization: The Reality Behind the Myth, Second Edition, Walene James provides abundant documentation showing a cause-and-effect relationship between the administration of vaccines and a subsequent rise in the vaccine-specific disease. James mentions generalized glandular and organ damage, allergies, and developmental disorders as well as more specific diseases such as encephalitis.

It is significant that medical doctors "are the least inoculated group in the United States," according to Van Beveren. He suggests that these doctors "know the thymus gland in vaccinated children atrophies much more, much faster, than in countries whose children are allowed to initiate a generalized inflammatory response."

Despite the many excellent reasons not to vaccinate, with the increase in genetically engineered foods and microbes as well as unprecedented travel to foreign countries with foreign microbes to which the body has not developed a natural immunity, there is definitely a need to help people develop a resistance against microbes to which they are not normally exposed.

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