Sunday, March 15, 2020


There are only two types of warriors in this world. Those that serve tyrants and those that serve free men. - Special Forces NCO Stefan

If there are only two types of people in the world (are there are lots of two kinds of people in the world – dog lovers and cat lovers, givers and takers, those who put ranch on their pizza and those who put ranch in the trash, and, yeah, those who believe there are two kinds of people, and those who know better), there are those who are awake to the spiritual realm and those who are asleep to the existence of the spiritual. 

Those who are awake, aren't those who are "woke." To be woke right now is to be asleep in the matrix, serving the notion that a social-political solution (the agreed-upon socio-political solution as presented by the educational system, which is only rehashed class warfare and socialism-come-totalitarianism in the name of progress) is proof that none of these woke-ones are woke to the lessons of history. 

This is a primary indicator of who have awoken in the spiritual; they see that the educational systems have become a field for political indoctrination that narrows understanding down to what is half-a-worldview. If you've read this far, we'll hold that this truth is self-evident, and that political interplay of this is clear enough.

Those who are spiritual see that the education of religious leadership has been bisected as well. Those who sit in pews now sit under pastors and teachers taught in seminaries that indoctrinate by narrowing what is defined as spiritual truth to a merely socio-political activism as ministry, or, for those who might be categorized as politically conservative, a spiritually conservative cessationist stance that sings "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" while unfriending the presence of the Holy Spirit. Two sides of the same coin. Both, ultimately, are unspiritual in that their work and worry fall into the category of natural ministry, subjected to the limitations of the minds of men. Religion, not spirituality.

Another layer of this educational limitation is in the field of medicine. This may be a larger subject and a discussion for another day, but those who see, see that the medical universities teach, and doctors are forced to practice, what is half-a-truth by narrowing what is the definition of medicine to merely a chemical-pharmaceutical view, and ignoring the half of what-is-human by ignoring elements of the spirit. Even to say that medicine is science, not psychology or religion or spiritual therapy, should be able to understand that medical science should make room for physics alongside of chemistry, but physical elements have been omitted from allopathic medicine by big-patents, big-prescriptions Big Pharma, who is selling chemical solutions only.

We can stop here with the examples. If you see it, you see it, if you don't, you don't.
I make this point, not to point out how this dichotomy is pervasive through all seven of the mountains of culture, but to point out that there are two types even within those who are spiritually awake: those who are awake to the existence of God, and those who are awake that God exists and that evil exists.

Are you awake enough to know that people are not inherently good? Are you awake enough to know that there are spiritual entities who hate people, want individuals dead, want all of mankind dead? That these entities work to sicken and kill people at the individual level and work to sicken and kill people at the macro level? If you attend a church and think that you are spiritually awake, do you hit the snooze button during the sermon when the speaker downplays the existence of a devil? Do you see that many issues, larger than the brokennesses created by mankind, are orchestrated?

Men do many evil things, and many men are also led to do evil by those who seek to kill men, steal from men, destroy men.

A girl commits suicide, she does this to herself. But the thinking that led to such an unnatural inclination is crafted by one outside of herself and her innate desire to live, massaged into her mind by one who hates her.
A man uses his hands to torture and kill women, a methodical serial killer. He is a puppet in the hands of another who enjoys torture and killing.
A bioweapon is created by a group of men, but the making and release of such a bioweapon is the doing of another group, composed of rogue un-human entities who hate mankind, ones leading these men. 

For those of us who are spiritually awake and spiritually aware of darkness and dark ones, our seeing is insulation from fear and inertia, our doing is to undo all these rogue entities' works. Overcome evil with good. We who are awake, the sons and daughters of God, are meant to do as God’s solution to the problem at hand. Our awareness is only the pre-requisite to all the restorative undoing of evil in our world – to remain awake. More on the doing comes later.

First, we need to see. We see the deeds of darkness; see the doers for what they are, see the ones who are somnambulistically serving their purposes as familiars. For now, enough to be awake and aware. Remain awake, eyes open and cognizant that not everything is taught, and not everything that is taught is progress.

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