Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Conspicuously Absent: The Chapter on Cache Hiding

I’ve finished the first draft of my book on geocaching. Tentatively titled “A Passion for Cachin’”, it’s about my life through the lens of geocaching. Wow. I feel like I’ve really accomplished something, and that 17,000 finds actually has meaning beyond the logbooks and trade items. I was able to get it all out of my head: the experiences and the reasons this hobby/sport/obsession can be so compelling. I have chapters on geocaching as adventure, entertainment, education, annoyance, friendship, and therapy, among others. Look for it this spring!

Yes, I'm feeling snarky. EMC's a great person. But the one who digs the well deserves more honor than the one who drinks from it. Keep it up, Cache Hiders everywhere. You make the geoworld spin.

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