Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Wall St. Bailout, It's Good For You

"I must tell you, there are those in the public debate who have said that we must act now. The last time I heard that, I was on a used-car lot … The truth is, every time somebody tells you that you’ve got to do the deal right now, it usually means they’re going to get the better part of the deal." - Mike Pence, R - Indiana

Another 700 billion in debt to add to the 9+ trillion we and our great-great-great grandchildren are going to have to try to pay off. The Democrats want to socialize a tidy lump of financial institutions. Liberal mismanagement and overspending is killing this country, based on failed Marxist ideology designed for a world we don't live in. The Complicit Media reports only that the Republicans are folding their arms across party lines to hold up this emergencycrucial measure. Can you fools please stop it now? I don't want to look at your healthy smiles as you ram some more debt into my mouth.

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